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4 Heat Pump Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Heat Pump

There are several common mistakes homeowners can make that can cause their heat pumps to operate less efficiently. Here’s a list of the four biggest mistakes to watch out for when operating the heat pump in your home.

Setting the System to AUTO Mode

For most people, AUTO mode is a convenient solution to getting the most out of their systems without the hassle of fiddling with the thermostat settings throughout the day and night. However, this convenience comes at the expense of energy efficiency and increased wear and tear.

Not Maintaining the Heat Pump Regularly

Heat pumps are machines that require regular maintenance to perform to their fullest potential. Without routine servicing, your heat pump can develop small problems over time that can eventually lead to breakdowns or failure.

Keep an eye out for dirty filters, worn-out parts and any other signs of wear. Have a professional inspect your refrigerant levels, check that the fan and compressor are working properly and clean any needed parts.

Not Cleaning the Outdoor Unit

If you have an outdoor unit, it’s important to ensure it stays clean so that air can flow freely through the system. If dirt or debris builds up on the fins of the condenser coil, it’l block airflow and cause the unit to run less efficiently.

Installing the Wrong Size Heat Pump

Many people don’t realize how important it is to select the right size heat pump for their homes. If you buy a heat pump that’s too small, it won’t be able to adequately heat or cool your home and will costg more on energy bills. Alternatively, if you purchase one that’s too big, it’ll constantly cycle on and off, thus degrading much faster.

If you’re having trouble with your heat pump or want to ensure that it continues to run efficiently for years to come, call Kearney & Sons today for maintenance, repair and installation services. We specialize in working with heat pumps and other HVAC systems in Newport News, VA.

Image provided by iStock

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