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Is My Air Conditioner in Toano, VA, Low on Refrigerant?

Air Conditioner Low On Refrigereant

Refrigerant is a critical component of the air conditioner in your Toano, VA, home. It’s hard to tell when your AC system has low refrigerant since other factors cause similar problems. The following are three signs that your air conditioner is running low on refrigerant:

Blowing Hot Air

An AC system uses refrigerant to cool your home’s indoor air. If it’s blowing hot or warm air, it likely has low refrigerant. When your air conditioner runs low on refrigerant, the cooling chamber traps more heat, making it hard to cool the air.

The cooling chamber can’t hold the hot air for long. Thus, it’s released at a lower temperature. Other factors that may cause this problem include:

  • Compressor issues.
  • When the fan in the thermostat is set to ON instead of AUTO.
  • Dirty outside unit.
  • Poor airflow.

Ice Formation on the Refrigerant Line

Low refrigerant in your AC system leads to low pressure, resulting in low temperatures that freeze the evaporator coil. Cold liquid refrigerant flows through the refrigerant line where the freezing evaporator coil freezes the surrounding moisture in the indoor air. Schedule an AC repair right away to rectify this issue, and never attempt DIY refrigerant repairs.

Hissing or Bubbling Noises

The hissing or bubbling noise signifies a leaking refrigerant caused by high pressure in the refrigerant line. A refrigerant leak is the primary cause of low refrigerant in your AC system.

Contact professionals to check your AC system in case of the above signs or whenever you suspect a refrigerant leak. Never top your refrigerant; it’s a temporary solution, and you’re likely to face the same problem in the future. Contact us at Kearney & Son. Our team of certified service technicians will spot the leak, release the remaining refrigerant, repair the leak and add the right amount of refrigerant for your AC system.

Image provided by iStock

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