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4 Ways Setting Your Thermostat Can Make Your Home More Efficient


If you’re looking to save money on your energy costs this summer, programming your thermostat is an easy way to do that. Many Poquoson, Virginia, homeowners never get around to programming their thermostat or don’t know how. Most units can walk you through the process, or you can find an instruction book online. Here are some ways that programming your thermostat can make your HVAC run at peak efficiency.

Push Comfort Boundaries

Another way to save money and make your HVAC more energy efficient is to push your comfort boundaries. If you typically cool your home to 68 degrees, try bumping that up to 69 or 70 degrees. You might find you’re uncomfortable the first day or two, but your body eventually acclimates. Even a few degrees can make a major difference on your energy bill at the end of the month.

Set for When You’re Away

Program your thermostat to warm the house while you’re away. This gives your HVAC system a short break and saves energy. Program the thermostat to begin cooling your home again 30 minutes before you arrive home. Simply programming the thermostat to run less while you’re out of the house can reduce your utility costs and save energy.

Peace of Mind

Programming your home’s thermostat gives you peace of mind that your home is using power efficiently. When the thermostat is set, there’s no need to worry about the temperature in your home. You can let the thermostat run the HVAC system so that you never touch the thermostat again.

Taking a Vacation

When you leave for a vacation, make sure to reprogram your thermostat. Set your air conditioning to a higher temperature than you normally would do. For some thermostats, you can set an end date or time to that program so that your home will be cool when you return from vacation, but with others you’ll just have to reprogram when you arrive.

If you find yourself in need of any HVAC repairs, don’t hesitate to call Kearney & Sons at (757) 269-9589 to set up an appointment.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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