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Why Does My Furnace Short-Cycle?

Troubleshooting Furnace

With a furnace, your home in James City County, VA, should get warm and comfortable within a short time. If you don’t set the thermostat unreasonably high, the normal length is 10 to 15 minutes. Short furnace cycles leave your home cold and do no favors to the system itself. Below are a few possible reasons you might be seeing them.

Dirty Air Filter

Every 90 days, you should replace the air filter in the return vent. If you own pets or someone in your home smokes, this should be every 60 days.

If you neglect this, the filter will clog and reduce airflow, causing the furnace to work harder to circulate air. The system then overheats and shuts off before a proper cycle.

Blocked Flue

The flue lets heated gases escape, but if this is blocked, the gases will cause this component to heat up. If it heats up too much, the vent limit switch will shut your furnace off to prevent damage.

Uncalibrated Thermostat

Perhaps the system is working just fine; the problem may lie with your thermostat. Without routine calibration, the thermostat may read your temperature as being higher or lower than the actual measurement. If higher, then it’ll naturally shut your furnace off before you’re warm. Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat if you haven’t done so already.

Oversized Furnace

If whoever handled your installation put in an oversized system, it’ll heat the home too quickly and unevenly. You’ll need a replacement with a heating capacity that fits your home’s size.

Contact Kearney & Sons today to schedule a convenient repair appointment for your furnace in James City County, VA. Established in 1980, our company has a team of NATE-certified service technicians who can deliver high-quality results no matter the make or model of the furnace. We offer 24/7 emergency availability as well.

Image provided by iStock

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