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What Are You Breathing? Improve Indoor Air Quality

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Spring is here, or will be very soon. That means it’s a perfect time to open up the windows in your house after having them closed against the cold all winter. There’s nothing like fresh, spring air to freshen up your home. In addition to a fresh-smelling home, you will be improving your indoor air quality, and making your home healthier!

When your home is closed up, whether due to cold weather and having the heater on, or during the summer while running the air conditioner, your home is accumulating indoor pollution. Those everyday activities that everyone does causes a buildup of particulates and impurities that can affect family and friends who have allergies or asthma, but it can also cause health concerns for others in the household.

What causes indoor pollution? Some include,

  • Using your gas cooktop, gas dryer and gas fireplace
  • Pets (dogs, cats and birds in particular)
  • Cleaning your home with chemicals

Check out our infographic here to learn more about indoor air pollution, how it affects your health and what you can do to reduce it.

You can find more information about indoor air quality on this website or call us today at (757) 269-9589 to discuss ways we can improve your indoor air quality for a healthier home for you and your family.

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