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3 Ways to Lower Your Heating Bill This Winter


If you live in Newport News, Virginia, and like to stay cozy, you might think of ways to keep warm without increasing your expenses. As the cold weather sets in and the furnaces come on, fuel use increases and drives up bills. Here are some ways you can stay warm while lowering your heating bill this winter:

Seal Around Windows and Doors

Sealing any leaks around window and door frames will keep warm air in and cold air out. Use a door sweep on your doors, and add weatherstripping and fresh caulking to any windows where you can feel a draft. Replacing single pane windows with double pane will increase their insulating value as well. It’s a good idea to consider when older windows need upgrading.

Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat lets you save money on fuel by turning down the heat when you’re out for the day. You can set it to warm your home before you get there so it feels cozy and comfortable when you reach your door. Keeping your home a little cooler when it’s empty is a great way to cut costs without sacrificing comfort.

Change Filters and Service Your System

One simple thing you can do to make sure you aren’t overspending on your heating is to check the filters on your furnace. When filters clog, it limits the air that gets into the system. As a result, it has to work harder, driving up your energy use and causing you to pay more for the same results. Another important part of being a homeowner is having your HVAC system serviced by a professional. They can fix leaks where heat is escaping and find any other problems that might be causing higher energy use.

Keeping your heating system in top shape will make it more efficient and lower your heating bill. Call Kearney & Sons at (757) 269-9589 today to schedule an appointment with our qualified HVAC experts.

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