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3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality


If you live in Hampton, Virginia, you use your air conditioner or heater quite a bit. All that air moving through your house can lead to indoor air quality issues over time. Investing in the right equipment can keep your home safe and your family healthy. Read on to learn three easy ways to improve your home’s indoor air quality.

Use Indoor Plants

Studies have found that houseplants can help remove toxins and chemicals from the air in your home. Recommended plants include golden pothos, English ivy, spider plants, peace lilies and Boston ferns.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

Instead of cleaning with products full of harmful chemicals, use those made with natural ingredients. You can buy fragrance-free, non-toxic products in stores. You can even make your own with household ingredients like baking soda, lemon and vinegar.

Use HVAC Solutions

A ventilation system can help to bring fresh air inside while exhausting contaminated indoor air. Exhaust fans offer an easy way to ventilate your home.

Use an air cleaner with a HEPA filter to trap dust, pollen, smoke and other potential irritants. Be sure to replace or clean the filter regularly to keep your air cleaner functioning effectively.

You can also use an air purifier to eliminate bacteria, biological growth and other irritants that might grow in your home. Instead of using a filter like an air cleaner to get rid of these substances, air purifiers use UV (ultraviolet) germicidal lamps to kill them off.

Finally, consider installing a humidifier or dehumidifier to keep the humidity in your home at a healthy level (between 40 and 50 percent). A humidifier will add moisture to dry air to make it less irritating, while a dehumidifier can remove moisture to prevent allergies from being triggered by excessive biological growth or bacteria that thrive in humid environments.

Take control of your home’s indoor air quality by contacting Kearney & Sons at (757) 269-9589 to learn more about our HVAC solutions. You and your family can breathe easier knowing you have healthy, clean air in your home.

Image provided by Bigstock

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