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4 Sounds That Mean You Need AC Repairs Soon

AC Repairs

Any strange noise can indicate an underlying issue with your air conditioner, even if it’s working. Ignoring weird and loud AC noises can be destructive because the problem could escalate and affect the system’s efficiency. Here are unusual sounds that signify the need to schedule AC repairs in Newport News, VA, soon:


A hissing noise can indicate air leakage in the ductwork or a refrigerant leak. Bot causes can significantly increase your utility bills and affect your comfort levels. It’s best to call the pros for prompt AC repairs rather than ignoring a hissing noise.


A rattling AC noise could mean loose parts or indicate an accumulation of debris or other particles in the condenser unit. The noise needs a thorough investigation, so it’s good that you shut off the AC system and call an expert to address the issue. If you notice any loose part, it’s a warning sign to schedule AC repair services immediately.


If you hear a loud screeching noise, it could indicate too high pressure in your AC compressor, which is dangerous. Turn off the air conditioner if you hear a loud screeching noise and call a specialist immediately. The expert will inspect the air conditioner thoroughly to understand the cause before fixing it to prevent further damage.


It’s hard not to notice when your air conditioner produces a banging noise. It might indicate the loose motor mounts or that the fan alignment is out. Either way, you should turn your AC system off while waiting for a service technician to diagnose and fix the issue.

Ignoring these strange AC noises can be tempting, mainly if the system is functioning well. Resist the temptation because these unusual sounds are a warning sign of potential AC repairs. Contact Kearney & Sons anytime for information about our maintenance agreements and prompt AC repairs to protect your system.

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