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Single- Versus Variable-Speed Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

A new air conditioner presents possibilities for improved comfort and energy savings. While researching a new system, you may have heard about single- and variable-speed air conditioners. Read on to learn how single- and variable-speed air conditioning differ for homeowners in Williamsburg, VA.

Single-Speed Air Conditioner

The compressor operates at 100% capacity in a single-speed AC system. If the actual temperature is a few degrees above your preferred temperature, your air conditioner will function at full capacity. Likewise, if the temperatures shoots up way above your preferred range, the AC system will still work at full capacity.

This type of air conditioner also cools your house in cycles. It turns on and off, depending on the temperature regulation needs.

Variable-Speed Air Conditioner

A variable-speed air conditioner is more advanced compared to a single-speed system. Rather than operating at full capacity all the time, the variable-speed air conditioner’s intensity depends on your home’s cooling needs.

This device can work at 25%-100% capacity. Therefore, if your home’s temperature is a few degrees above your preferred range, the appliance doesn’t need to run at full capacity.

The air conditioner also rarely turns off. Operating without turning on and off frequently helps to save energy costs.

In addition, running continuously helps to efficiently remove excess moisture and contaminants in your indoor air. As a result, you’ll achieve better indoor air quality with this AC system.

How to Choose The Right Air Conditioning System

A single-speed air conditioner is cheaper and easier to install than the variable-speed AC system. On the other hand, a variable-speed air conditioner helps you achieve higher energy savings, better indoor air quality and maximum comfort.

If you’re unsure which air conditioner to get for your home, contact Kearney & Sons for exceptional air conditioning services. Our service technicians have years of experience working on single- and variable-speed air conditioners. We can advise you on the best one for your home.

Image provided by iStock

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