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Learn How Geothermal Systems Work


Whether you’re building a new house or replacing a heating system in your Yorktown, Virginia, home, consider a geothermal system. Geothermal systems use the warmth of the earth and offer many benefits, including helping you save a bundle on energy costs.

How Does Geothermal Heat Work?

Geothermal heat is also known as ground source heating and cooling. Geothermal heating systems do not provide electric power, but they will heat and cool your home.

Geothermal systems have two parts: a heat pump inside and the ground loop underground. During the winter, water circulates through underground pipes as the earth heats it. The heat pump takes the heat from the water and transfers it to the air inside your home. The water flows back outside to repeat the process until the system reaches the right temperature.

In summer, the heat pump pulls heat from inside your home and transfers it to the water. Once outside, the ground cools the water. The water pumps back inside to repeat the cycle.

How Is Geothermal Different?

Geothermal heating systems are different from traditional furnaces in a couple of ways. First, geothermal units don’t use fossil fuels. They only require electricity to operate the heat pump, and it takes very little power.

Second, these units don’t use refrigerant when cooling. They are much more eco-friendly and leave a smaller carbon footprint.

What Are the Benefits of Geothermal Heat?

Because they don’t use fossil fuels, there’s no risk for combustion gasses like carbon monoxide. This lowers your risk for dangerous exposure and poisoning. There aren’t any flames, fumes or smoke involved in raising your indoor air quality.

Geothermal units can heat your home without using fossil fuels and require only a little electricity. This results in significant savings on your home’s heating costs.
Call Kearney & Sons at (757) 269-9589 for information about geothermal heating systems today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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