Most residents in Mathews, VA, know that summertime can feel brutal. Having a home air conditioning system is a great way to stay cool and comfortable when it’s hot and humid outside. But high energy bills can be just as distressing. Read on to learn how you can use your AC system more efficiently so you can enjoy cool air at a lower cost.
Program Your Thermostat
If you have a fairly new air conditioning system, it’s likely that you have a programmable thermostat. One of the best methods for reducing your home’s energy bills is to program your thermostat effectively. This means keeping it at a comfortable level when you’re at home and setting it to a higher temperature when you’re away so that it doesn’t run as much.
Change Your Air Filter Monthly
One of the biggest efficiency killers of a home air conditioning system is a dirty air filter. Your filter is there to remove unwanted pollutants from the air inside your home. However, when it gets dirty, your AC system has to work much harder to circulate air through the filter.
Block the Sunlight
Sunlight can drastically increase the temperature of rooms throughout your home. It’s best to block the windows in rooms that receive direct sunlight to keep the heat from accumulating inside your home. You can easily do this with blinds or by applying a UVA window tint.
Be Mindful of Your Thermostat Placement
One sneaky problem that some homeowners experience is a badly placed thermostat. If your thermostat is in an area of your home that receives direct sunlight or right next to a vent, the environment could alter its reading. For example, heat from the sun could cause the built-in thermometer to read a higher temperature and cause your AC system to constantly kick on when it doesn’t need to.
If you need assistance to make your AC system more energy efficient, contact Kearney & Sons. Our experienced HVAC professionals are happy to help you with all your air conditioning needs.
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