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How Home Automation Can Help You Save


Home automation can make your family more comfortable. You can clean your floors with a robot vacuum, receive helpful maintenance reminders for your appliances and control your security system with your smartphone. With home automation, you can take advantage of lower insurance costs, greater energy savings and a higher value for your home in Newport News, Virginia.

Lower Insurance Costs

Insurance companies understand that home automation can prevent fires, water damage, carbon monoxide poisoning, thefts and other problems. Since you’re less likely to use your home insurance if you have home automation, most insurance companies will give you a generous discount. You also won’t spend as much on costly repairs or premature replacements, because your smart home will let you know about developing issues before they become severe.

Energy Savings

Many home automation systems pay for themselves over time through lower utility bills. You can install automated lights, motorized shades or blinds, or a smart or programmable thermostat. Some smart thermostats come with motion detectors so that people don’t have to waste energy heating or cooling unoccupied rooms. Others can learn your schedule over time and adjust to it for even greater energy savings.

Higher Home Value

With home automation, you’ll never leave a light, a TV or another appliance on for longer than needed again. Also, monitoring your home from work or while you’re on vacation is easy with a convenient app that connects you to all of your devices. These features will make selling your home simpler. Buyers will be more willing to compete with each other, so you can sell for a higher price without any added time or effort.

Kearney & Sons, Inc. has more than 35 years of heating, cooling and construction experience. We can help you install, maintain and repair a variety of equipment. Call us anytime at (757) 269-9589 for more information from one of our expert service technicians.

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