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Heating Challenges You Might Experience in an Older Home

From Colonial Revivals to Craftsman bungalows, older homes are part of the cultural heritage of the Hampton Roads region. There’s a lot to love about living in a home with a historic architectural style. Shivering through a long, cold winter isn’t one of them. Problems with outdated heating systems can range from poor performance to musty odors and unsafe wiring. Learn how to overcome heating challenges in your older home while preserving its distinctive character.

Ductwork Difficulties

Forced-air heaters depend on a connected system of air ducts to keep you warm and cozy when outdoor temperatures plunge. Because the ducts are hidden from view, it’s easy to forget about them until problems occur:

  • Older ductwork can develop leaks that weaken airflow, forcing your heater to run longer to maintain comfortable temperatures.
  • Leaky ducts create drafts that can suck in moisture, which can damage electrical wiring and cause structural damage.
  • Dust and debris can accumulate within ducts, leading to everything from foul odors to an increase in allergy and asthma symptoms.

A qualified HVAC professional can help you to determine if your older home would benefit from ductwork services like cleaning, sealing and insulating. Products like whole-home filtration systems that improve indoor air quality are available as well.

Heating Cost Challenges

From drafty windows to inadequate insulation, a number of factors can make it costly to keep an older home warm. Reducing air infiltration by sealing gaps in your home’s exterior can make a huge difference. A small gap under a door can let in as much air as a 2.4-inch hole in the wall. Use weatherstripping, caulk, and spray-foam insulation to plug the leaks. Ensuring that your heater operates as efficiently as possible with preventive maintenance service is just as important.

Serving Hampton Roads since 1980, Kearney & Sons is dedicated to keeping your older home comfortable all winter long. For more information about our energy-saving services, check out our heating solutions or call (757) 269-9589.

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