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Gas A/C Furnace Package Units – Smart Options for Hampton Homeowners


Hampton is unique in comparison to the state of Virginia as a whole when heating and cooling costs are considered. The area’s heating cost index is only 70 percent of the state’s heating index, but the cooling index is approximately 50 percent higher. These statistics are impacted by the community’s mild winters and warm summers. Reliable heating and cooling are important, but many homeowners need space saving equipment due to structural issues in their homes. Gas A/C furnace package units that include both furnace and air conditioning components are ideal alternatives to split systems.

Space-Saving HVAC with Package Units

A packaged air conditioner or heat pump allows a home owner to streamline in the area of equipment because both evaporator and condenser coils are contained in one unit. This may be appropriate for a home with limited installation space. It is also ideal if a roof-mounted unit is needed. You may have a packaged air conditioner to replace, in which case, a comparable system is appropriate. You may want to update your home comfort through the selection of multi-functional equipment with either a heat pump or air conditioner package.

Dual-Fuel Solutions with Hybrid Heat

A gas furnace hybrid unit is ideal for addressing all comfort management needs in your home. A heat pump is perfect for most winter heating needs in the community. However, those rare sub-freezing days are best addressed with gas heating. A hybrid packaged system can direct the heating activity according to the day’s conditions so that the most affordable and efficient comfort management is provided.

Efficient Cooling for the Hampton Summer

Many gas A/C furnace packaged units exceed the minimum SEER required by the government. For example, Carrier’s Performance 15 system offers a SEER of up to 15.5. Bryant’s Preferred Series hybrid packaged system provides a SEER of up to 16. Goodman offers a packaged AC and furnace unit that keeps comfort management simple and affordable.

If you aren’t sure about the best option in packaged heating and cooling, your HVAC contractor is an excellent resource. You can learn more as you review Kearney & Sons’ packaged solutions, or you can call our office at (757) 269-9589 to ask questions or schedule an estimate.

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