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Bring More Comfort to Your Home With a Multi-Zone HVAC System


A ductless HVAC system, also called a multi-zone, a multi-split or a mini-split system, usually has several indoor air handling units and an outdoor condenser or compressor. The indoor and outdoor units are connected by conduits for refrigerant instead of ductwork. That way, you can keep different areas or zones at various temperatures. You can also avoid conditioning unoccupied rooms in your Newport News, Virginia, home. Save energy, keep your home comfortable, and avoid expensive, annoying breakdowns with a multi-zone HVAC system.

Saving Energy and Money

Since ductless HVAC systems don’t require ductwork, they can’t leak or get as dirty as conventional systems. That means drafts, bad smells and poor indoor air quality are all less likely.

Ductless Variable Refrigerant Flow systems are very efficient. They’re different from variable-speed systems, which usually have ductwork and a fan with several settings.

Keeping Your Home Comfortable

Some parts of your home might be drafty while others might be too hot. With a multi-zone ductless HVAC system, family members in different rooms can choose the temperatures that are the most comfortable for them. You can adjust most multi-zone systems with remote controls, a computer or a smartphone for extra convenience.

Avoiding Expensive and Annoying Breakdowns

Since air doesn’t travel through ductwork when you have a ductless system, you won’t have to deal with repairing or maintaining your home’s ducts. If you have ductwork, your HVAC service technician will seal it to prevent pests before installing a ductless system.

Multi-zone systems don’t have to work as hard as conventional units, so they often last longer with fewer breakdowns. They’re also smaller and less expensive to install than traditional systems.

Kearney & Sons, Inc. has more than 35 years of heating and air conditioning experience. We can help you install, repair and maintain a variety of HVAC equipment. Call us anytime at (757) 269-9589 for exceptional service.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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