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Beware of These 5 Furnace Noises in Newport News, VA

Gas Furnace Maintenance Fixes Noises

Your furnace in Newport News, VA, should make a low hum when running. The presence of strange sounds from your heating system usually indicates a problem. The following are five uncharacteristic furnace noises that you should beware of in your home:


When furnaces make rattling noises, it’s usually indicative of a loose internal component. The issue could also be a crack in the system’s heat exchanger. A professional service technician can determine the source of the problem and the best way to remedy it.


A furnace making whistling noises indicates that its air filters are dirty or clogged. Blockages in the air filters normally force air to pass through squeezed spaces, creating the whistles. Cleaning or replacing blocked filters is key to eliminating the noises. You should aim to do so every 30-90 days to optimal operation.


It’s common for the furnace to make clicking noises, particularly when it turns on to warm your house. However, persistent clicking sounds that don’t disappear signal an underlying issue. The problem could be a compromised ignition system, dirty burner or broken flame sensor.


Talk to an expert to schedule repair services if your furnace is making loud buzzing noises. There could be a problem with the system’s fan or motor. An improperly installed filter or loose screws can also cause the noise.


The unmistakable sound of metal grinding against metal typically means one of two things. In the best-case scenarios, some moving parts of the furnace need lubrication. However, grinding can also mean that a component has completely stopped working and other parts are at risk.

When you hear strange noises coming from your furnace, it’s a good idea to call for professional help as quickly as possible. Contact our experienced service technicians at Kearney & Sons for professional HVAC services, including furnace repairs and maintenance.

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