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3 Ways to Stay Healthy in Your Home This Summer

When the summer heats up in Hampton, Virginia, your family’s activities will naturally gravitate toward your cool, comfortable home. As you start spending more time indoors on hot days, it is important to make sure the family doesn’t suffer because of airborne contaminants. Discover three ways to stay healthy in your home, and learn how to improve your indoor air quality.

Filter Out Airborne Contaminants

Your HVAC system’s air filter is designed to remove microscopic particles like pet dander, dust, and dirt from your home’s air supply. Air filters don’t last forever, though, and most require replacement every one to three months.

If you are concerned that an air filter doesn’t do enough to capture airborne contaminants, an air cleaner could be a smart move. At Kearney & Sons, we recommend professional air purifiers that work with your home’s HVAC system to eliminate particles like pollen, mold, and even tobacco smoke.

Force Out the Old and Welcome the New

Getting fresh air is important for your health and well-being. Poor ventilation, poor cleaning practices, and lack of maintenance will affect your indoor air quality. One of the easiest ways to push stale, damp air and fumes out of your home is to use exhaust fans when you prepare meals or take a shower. If exhaust fans don’t do the trick, give us a call to learn more about our ventilator options, which excel at cycling out that stale air and giving your home a steady supply of fresh air.

Pay Attention to Humidity Levels

High humidity does much more than just make you feel uncomfortable in the summer heat. Excess moisture in your home can also lead to respiratory issues and other health concerns. Our line of whole-home dehumidifiers keeps moisture at the right level, which prevents mold and dust mites from thriving and keeps your family healthy.

Does your home’s indoor air quality need professional help? Call the experts at Kearney & Sons, Inc. at (757) 269-9589, and start breathing easier today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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