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3 Simple Ways to Keep Cool Air Indoors this Summer

If your Hampton home is leaking cool air, your summer utility bills will be much higher than necessary. Keep more money in your pocket and improve the energy efficiency of your home with some simple DIY projects. When your home is properly sealed, you may be surprised at how much difference it makes. Keep cool air indoors with simple upgrades that can keep you comfortable and help you to save this summer.

Add Weatherstripping

Weatherstripping efficiently seals air leaks around windows and doors. There are different kinds of weatherstripping such as foam tape, felt, or V strip (tension seal). The types of weatherstripping work well for different types of leaks, separations, or cracks, and also according to their location. Sometimes sealing is needed in areas with awkward angles. Weatherstripping is inexpensive and generally easy to install.

Caulk Any Cracks

Use caulk to seal cracks or gaps in your windows or doors. Even very tiny gaps or holes can let unwanted air in, or cause conditioned air to seep out. Caulking is very effective for complete sealing. It is also relatively inexpensive and easy to apply.

There are many other ways to prevent your home from losing cool air. Your HVAC technician is your best bet for those upgrades that will require a little more expertise. These upgrades or repairs might also be a bit more expensive. Adding insulation especially in attics, and duct sealing are effective ways to ensure you do not lose the much-needed air inside your home.

Resist the urge to lower the temperature on your air conditioner. Check your home to see how you might be losing cool air, and take corrective action now. Call your experts at Kearney & Sons, Inc. for more information about improving cooling and energy efficiency in your Hampton Roads home. Give us a call at (757) 269-9589. We have the cooling solutions you need this summer.

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