Customer Testimonials

The service I have received from your company has always been A+. You are always and will always be the company I patronize for heating and air conditioning. The staff is always professional, on time, and follows up after the job has been completed. I have recommended Kearney and Sons to several friends, all of which have thanked me for the referral. Thanks again for being the company you are and one I can rely on. If you want it done right, call Kearney and Sons!!
– D. Smith, Newport News

The strength of a relationship is easy to have during good times. It is how you come through the difficult times that is the test. Kearney and Sons came through and made every effort to make me happy and satisfied after some problems. Your salesman is very professional and knowledgeable and was willing to “get dirty” and go under the house in coveralls for inspection of our air duct system. Thanks again for making our family comfortable.

The installation process went extremely well. I am sure my relationship with Kearney and Sons will be exceptional when service is needed.
– B. Lee

Your service representative and customer service has been great!
– T. Alexander

I did take out a maintenance agreement and know I’ll be just as pleased with your work as the day you put my furnace in.
– D. Taylor

I am very happy with the equipment and installation, there were no surprises and everything was done as promised.
– A. Ortiz

Comment to give technicians an excellent rating. They have been courteous, knowledgeable and reliable.
– W. Shackleford

Very east to work with, even set up earlier install.
– T. Cho

You treat us like family. Thank you for sending your “A” team each time we receive service.
– D. Hagemann

We have sold the residence and made sure to leave your contact info with the new owners. Thanks for your professional service over the last 12 years.
– A. Watkins

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